Demon Day Campaign Chapter 2

Hi everyone!

At long last, here it is: an actual continuation of Beatdown Dungeon: Demon Day's story campaign!

This is the first new story content since Demon Day's first demo, so  I'm quite excited to share what I've been working on since then.

This update adds  a hub area called Despair Square, which connects to all dungeons the game will eventually contain. Felt a bit more organic than the somewhat abstract dungeon select menu of the first game. Despair Square also contains all the game's merchants, so you can spend your hard-earned Pizza Coupons. One of these merchants is the newly added fashion designer Georgie, who introduces the feature of buying new costume colors for Campaign Mode.

The next new feature is the return of Custom Demon. It was initially just a  fun way of me recycling art assets for an extra playable character, but proved to be quite popular in the first Beatdown Dungeon. So I'm sure people will be happy to see its return.

And then there's the biggest addition: St. Foras Park, the game's second  dungeon . This is where you'll find new enemies to fight, new puzzles, new Daredevil challenges and obviously a continuation of the story. Now you'll  have a party bigger than 3 characters, so I hope your preferred playstyle is now represented.

A bigger party also opens up a bunch of optional party conversation scenes. Anytime you're at a  Kebab Kitty healing station, your characters can sit down and  have a casual chat with eachother. These conversations existed in the previous demos, but with more characters, their number has grown exponentially.

I hope you'll enjoy the new features and story chapter as much as I had fun developing them.

As usual, this game is still a work in progress, so feedback, bug reports and the like are very much appreciated!

Thanks for  trying out the game and see ya when the next demo drops!

Phil Airdash

Files 500 MB
Apr 21, 2023 12 MB
Apr 21, 2023

Get Beatdown Dungeon: Demon Day - Demo v1.8


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NOICE. this is exciting , i loved the first demo!


Hell yeah!